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Edgar Degas

Le premier catalogue raisonné numérique

par Michel Schulman, expert
Photo de Mrs Camus in Red

Mrs Camus in Red

Huile sur toile
72, 7 x 92, 1 cm - 28 9/16 x 36 1/4 in.
Cachet vente Degas en bas à droite
Washington, National Gallery of Art, Etats-Unis - Inv. 1963.10.21
Dernière mise à jour : 2024-08-20 17:43:57
Référence : MS-1647


Atelier Degas - Vente Degas, 1918, I, n° 96 (repr.) - Herbert C. Coleman, Londres et Manchester (Goupil & Co.) - Paul Rosenberg & Co. Paris  (Ref. 81 archives Rosenberg, New York) - Chester Dale, New York, mars 1938 - Washington, National Gallery, 1963 (Don Chester Dale).


Paris, Palais des Champs Elysées, 1870, n° 758 - [Paris, 11 rue Le Peletier,  1876, n° 43 ?] - Paris, musée de l'Orangerie, 1931, n° 49 - Londres, Royal Academy of Arts, 1932, n° 461 - Washington, National Gallery, 1965, The Chester Dale Bequest (n.n.) - Washington, San Francisco, 1986, n° 24 , repr. p. 173 - Paris, Ottawa, New York, 1988-1989, fig. 26, repr. p. 58 - Washington, National Gallery, 2010-2012, (n.n.), (repr.) - Paris, musée d'Orsay, 2019-2020, Degas à l'Opéra, cat. 73, repr. p. 79 [Washington seulement] - Paris, musée d'Orsay, 2023, Manet Degas, fig. 100, repr. p. 138.


Apollo, avril 1931, p. 216 (repr.) - Catalogue of French Paintings from the Chester Dale Collection, National Gallery, Washington, 1941, p. 6, pl. XI - French Paintings from the Chester Dale Collection, National Gallery, Washington, 1942, p. 36, (repr.) - Lemoisne, 1946-1949, II, n° 271, repr. p. 133 - French Paintings from the Chester Dale Collection, National Gallery, Washington, 1953, p. 46 (repr.) - Walker, 1963, p. 326 (repr.) - Bouret, Degas, 1965, repr. p. 57 - Dunlop, 1979, p. 59 (repr.) - Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Paintings and Sculpture of the French School in the Chester Dale Collection, National Gallery, Washington, 1965, p. 75 (repr.) - Summary Catalogue of European Paintings and Sculpture, National Gallery, Washington, 1965, p. 39 - European Paintings and Sculpture. Illustrations, National Gallery, Washington, 1968, p. 32 (repr.) - Lassaigne, Minervino, 1974, n° 259, repr. p. 98 - European Paintings : An Illustrated Summary Catalogue, National Gallery, Washington, 1975, p. 98 (repr.) - Walker, 1984, p. 474, n° 701 (repr.) - European Paintings: An illustrated Catalogue, National Gallery, Washington, 1985, p. 120 (repr.) - Impressionnistes et post-impressionnistes à la National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1986, repr. p. 133 - Bruce, 1986, p. 81 (repr.) - Paris, Ottawa, New York, 1988-1989, fig. 26, repr. p. 58 - Gingold, Weil, The Corporate Patron, 1991, p. 32, (repr.) - Loyrette, 1991, p. 216 - Zurich, Tübingen, 1994-1995, repr. p. 90 - Bailey, 1997, n° 64 (repr.) - Kelder, 1997, The Great Book of Impressionism, n° 267 (repr.) -  Ottawa, Chicago, Fort Worth, 1998-1999, fig. 64, p. 58 - Copenhague, Ordrupgaard, 1999, III.13, repr. p. 21 - Yokohama, Museum of Art, 2010, fig. 5, p. 20.