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Edgar Degas

Le premier catalogue raisonné numérique

par Michel Schulman, expert
Photo de Henri Degas and his Niece Lucie Degas

Henri Degas and his Niece Lucie Degas

Huile sur toile
99,8 x 119,4 cm - 39 1/4 x 47 in.
Chicago, The Art Institute of Chicago, Etats-Unis - Inv. 1933.429
Dernière mise à jour : 2024-08-28 17:04:04
Référence : MS-701


Famille Degas, Naples – Lucie de Gas, marquise Edouard Guerreo de Balde, Naples - Mme Marco Bozzi, soeur de Lucie Degas - Wildenstein & Co., New York, 1926 – M. et Mme Lewis Larned Coburn – The Art Institute of Chicago, 1933.


Venise, Pavillon de France, 1926, n° 16 ou 1525 (repr.) – Cambridge, Fogg Art Museum, 1929, n° 34, pl. XXII – The Art Institute of Chicago, 1929, 1930, 1932, n° 6, repr. p. 39  – The Art Institute of Chicago, 1932, Exhibition of the Mrs & L. L. Coburn Collection Modern Paintings and Watercolors, n° 6, p. 12 - Northampton, Smith College Museum, 1933, n° 17 [Non reproduit] – The Art Institute of Chicago, 1933, n° 289, pl. 54 – The Art Institute of Chicago, 1934, n° 204 – New York, Mary Harriman Gallery, 1934, Degas, n° 1 – Saint-Louis, City Art Museum, 1934, n° 17 [Sans catalogue] – Philadelphie, The Pennsylvania Museum of Art, 1936, n° 24, repr. p. 76 – Pittsburgh, Carnegie Institute, 1936, The International Exhibition of Paintings, n° 10 (repr.) – Minneapolis, Institute of Arts, 1948, Degas' Portraits of His Family (n.n.) - New York, Wildenstein & Co., 1949, n° 35, repr. p. 29 – Bern, Kunstmuseum, 1951-1952, n° 22 (repr.) – Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, 1952, Edgar Degas, n° 13 (repr.) – Albi, musée Toulouse-Lautrec, 1980, n° 5 (repr.) – The Art Institute of Chicago, 1984, n° 26, repr. p. 63 – Paris, Ottawa, New York, 1988-1989, n° 145, repr. p. 251 - Zurich, Tübingen, 1994-1995, n° 127, repr. p. 199 - Fort Worth, Kimbell Museum of Art, 2008, n° 38 - Washington, National Gallery, 2014, n° 6.


Forzi, Comoedia, 10 mai 1926 – "Les Degas de Naples", Bulletin de la Vie artistique, 10, 1926, pp. 155-136 - Dezarrois, La Revue de l’Art ancien et moderne, mai-juin 1926, p. 45 (repr.) - Le Bulletin de la Vie artistique, 1 juin 1926, pp. 166-167 - The Art News, 16 octobre 1926, pp. 1-2 (repr.) – "Edgar Degas :  Vater und Tochter", Kunst & Künstler, 1926-1927, p. 40 (repr.) – Manson, 1927, pp. 11-12, pl. 5 – Kusnt & Kunstler, 1927, rep. p. 40 - Rich, Bulletin of The Art Institute of Chicago 23, novembre 1929, pp. 125-127 (repr.) – Hausenstein, Pantheon, 1931, p. 162 (repr.) – Guérin, Bulletin des musées de France  4, 7 [1932], pp. 106, 108 – The Fine Arts, juin 1932, repr. p. 23 - "Masterpieces of the French Impressionists from the collection of Mrs L. L. Coburn", The Fine Arts, juin 1932, p. 23 (repr.) – Rich, Bulletin of the Art Institute of Chicago, XXVI, 1932, p. 68 – Walker, GBA 10, 1933,fig. 13, pp. 179 (repr.), cité p. 182 – "Complete List of the Paintings and Sculptures in Word's Fair Show", Art Digest, 7, 16 mai 1933, p. 33 - Bulletin of the Smith College Museum of Art 15, juin 1934, repr. p. 20 - "List of Paintings", Art Digest, 8, 1 juin 1934, p. 16 - Vollard, Degas : An Intimate Portrait, 1937, n° 34 (repr.) - Mongan, Burlington Magazine 72, 1938, p. 296 – Slocombe, Coronet, 1938, rep. p. 23 – "Report of the Year", Bulletin of The Art Institute of Chicago, 1941, p. 32 – Grarber, 1942, repr. face p. 60 – Lemoisne, 1946-1949, II, n° 394, repr. p. 213 – Raimondi, Degas  la sua famiglia in Napoli, 1958, pl. 24 (repr.) – The Art Institute of Chicago. A Catalogue of the Picture Collection, 1961, p. 119, repr. p. 287 – Boggs, 1962, pp. 42-46, pl. 86 – Boggs, Burlington Magazine 105, 1963, pp. 273, 275, fig. 32 - Sweet, Apollo 84, 1966, p. 203 – Grung, Supplement to Paintings in the Art Institute of Chicago, 10 février 1971, p. 119 - Lassaigne, Minervino, 1974, n° 401, repr. p. 105 – Koshkin-Youritzin, GBA 87, 1976, p. 38 - Dunlop, 1979, fig. 122, p. 136 – Marandel, 1979, p. 34, repr. p. 35 – Keiser, 1981, Degas. Réalité et Métaphore, pp. 55, 129, pl. XIX - Levin, Arts Magazine 56, 1982, p. 149, fig. 4 - Brettell, Mc Cullagh, Folds, Degas in the Art Institute of Chicago, 1984, n° 26 (repr.) - Paris, Centre culturel du Marais, 1984-1985, fig. 77, repr. p. 95 - Sutton, 1986, pp. 277-278 (repr.) - Brettell, French Impressionists, 1987, pp. 34-35 (repr.) - Keller, 1988, p. 61, n° 43 (repr.) - Wood, Lee, 1988, p. 57 (repr.) - Loyrette, 1991, pp. 86, 318 - Boggs, Cat. exp. Kunsthaus, Zurich, 1994, pp. 18, 44, 80, n° 127 (repr.) - Bezzola, Cat. exp. Kunsthaus, Zurich, 1994, p. 199, n° 127 (repr.) - Boggs, 1996, pp. 25-28, 80, 108, pl. 9 - Apgar, O'L.Higgins, Streigel, The Newspaper in Art, "An Annotated Portfolio", 1996, fig. 134, repr. p. 120 - Sutton, 1996, Edgar Degas. His Life and Work, fig. 170, repr. p. 277 - Kelder, 1997, The Great Book of Impressionismn, n° 265 (repr) - Wood, 2000, p. 53 (repr.) - Dayer, Gallati, 2004, Children of the Gilded Era. Portraits by Sargent, Renoir, Cassatt and their Contemporaries, repr. p. 32 - Druick, Groom, 2008, The Age of Impressionism at the Art Institute of Chicago, n° 38 (repr.).