Bather Sponging Her Knee
Pastel, fusain et lavis noir sur papier crème
30,8 x 23,8 cm - 12 1/8 x 9 5/16 in.
Cachet vente Degas en bas à droite
Cachet atelier au verso en haut à droite
New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Etats-Unis - Inv. 19.51.3
Dernière mise à jour : 2025-02-03 16:24:22
Référence : MS-593
Atelier Degas – Vente Degas, 1918, II, n° 222b – Metropolitan Museum, New York, 1918.
New York, The Grolier Club, 1922, Drawings and Bronzes by Degas - New York Metropolitan Museum, 1977, Degas in the Metropolitan [BR] - Paris, Ottawa, New York, 1988-1989, n° 254, repr. p. 423 - New York, Metropolitan Museum, 1997-1998, The Private Collection of Edgar Degas - New York, Metropolitan Museum, 2005-2006, Drawings and Prints. Selections from the Permanent Collection - Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 2011-2012, fig. 127, repr. p. 117 - Melbourne, Houston, 2016-2017, Degas : A New Vision, repr. p. 153.
Bryson, Metroplolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 14, mai 1919, vol. 14, n° 5, p. 116-117 - Manson, 1927, p. 48 - Moffett, cat. exp. Metropolitan Museum, New York, 1977, n° 40 - Brame, Reff, 1984, n° 112, repr. p. 123 - Boggs, Druick, Loyrette, Pantazzi, Tinterow, Cat. exp. Paris, Ottawa, New York, 1988-1989, n° 254, repr. p. 423 - Dumas, Ives, cat. exp. Metropolitan Museum, New York, 1997, fig. 374 (repr.) - Stein, cat. exp. Metropolitan Museum, New York, 1997, The Private Collection of Degas - Rey, Shackelford, Cat. exp. Boston, Paris, 2011-2012, fig. 127, repr. 117 [Ed. anglaise] - Loyrette, Cat. exp. Melbourne, Houston, 2016-2017 (n.n.) repr. p. 153.