Deux danseuses
Circa 1879
Fusain et craie blanche sur papier vert
63,8 x 48,9 cm - 25 1/8 x 19 1/4 in.
New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Etats-Unis - Inv. 29.100.189
Dernière mise à jour : 2025-03-02 10:22:37
Référence : MS-3004
[Durand-Ruel & Cie., Paris, 1882, stock n° 2184 sous le nom de Danseuses - Vendu le 31 août 1882 à Deschamps - Charles W. Deschamps, Londres (1882-1890) - Vendu le 30 juin à Durand-Ruel & Cie., - [Durand-Ruel, Paris, 1890–93; stock n° 567 - Envoyé le 29 novembre 1893 à Durand-Ruel & Cie., New York] - [Durand-Ruel & Cie., New York, 1893–1894; stock n° 1105] - Vendu le 16 janvier 1894 à Havemeyer - M. et Mme H. O. Havemeyer, New York (1894–1907); Mme. H. O. (Louisine) W. Havemeyer, New York (1922–1929); cat. 1931, p. 185, irepr. p. 187) - The Metropilitan Museum of Art, 1929 - H. O. Havemeyer Collection [Don Havemeyer].
New York, The Grolier Club, 1922, Prints, Drawings and Bronzes by Degas, n° 60 - New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1930, The H. O. Havemeyer Collection, n° 156 [2e édition en 1958, n° 35] - New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1977, Degas in the Metropolitan, n° 31 [des oeuvres sur papier] - Paris, Ottawa, New York, 1988-1989, Degas, n° 225, repr. p. 348 - New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1993, Splendid Legacy: The Havemeyer Collection, n° A229 - Omaha, Joslyn Art Museum, 1998, Degas and the Little Dancer, n° 35.
H. O. Havemeyer Collection: Catalogue of Paintings, Prints, Sculpture and Objects of Art, 1931, p. 185, repr. p. 187 - Lemoisne, 1946–1949, II, n° 599, repr. p. 339 - Browse, Degas Dancers, [1949], p. 369, pl. 92 - Reff, The Notebooks of Edgar Degas: A Catalogue of the Thirty-Eight Notebooks in the Bibliothèque Nationale and Other Collections, 1976, vol. 1, pp. 132-33 (notebook 29, p. 25; notebook 30, pp. C, 1) - Moffett, Degas in the Metropolitan, exp. brochure, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1977, n° 31 - Weitzenhoffer, "The Creation of the Havemeyer Collection, 1875–1900", thèse, City University of New York, 1982, p. 225, en référence à l'achat de Havemeyer d'un dessin de Degas le 16 janvier 1894, sans doute cette oeuvre - Shackelford, Degas: The Dancers, Cat. exp. Washington, National Gallery of Art, 1984, pp. 70, 72–73, fig. 3.1 - Weitzenhoffer, The Havemeyers: Impressionism Comes to America, 1986, p. 98 - Tinterow, Degas. Cat. exp. Paris, Ottawa, New York, 1988-1989, p. 376 - Pantazzi, Degas, Cat. exp. Paris, Ottawa, New York, 1988-1989, pp. 348–49, n° 225 (repr.) - Camesasca, The São Paulo Collection: From Manet to Matisse, Cat. exp. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, Vincent Van Gogh, 1989, pp. 68–69 (repr.) - Alyson Stein, Splendid Legacy: The Havemeyer Collection, Cat. exp. New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1993, pp. 215, 285 - Wold, Splendid Legacy: The Havemeyer Collection, Cat. exp. New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1993, p. 332, n° A229 (repr.) - Baetjer, European Paintings in The Metropolitan Museum of Art by Artists Born Before 1865: A Summary Catalogue, New York, 1995, p. 454 (repr.) - Kendall, Degas and the Little Dancer, Cat. exp. Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha, New Haven, 1998, pp. 8, 15, 37, 39, 175, n° 35, pl. 35 - DeVonyar, Kendall, Degas and the Dance, Cat. exp. Detroit, Detroit Institute of Arts, 2002, pp. 122, 284 n. 31.