Ballet Girl
Pastel sur papier bleu
45, 7 x 26, 5 cm - 17 15/16 x 10 3/8 in.
Cachet en bas à gauche : Degas ?
Providence, Rhode Island School of Design, Etats-Unis - Inv. 23.038
Dernière mise à jour : 2025-02-18 05:11:02
Référence : MS-2111
Atelier Degas - Vente Degas, III, n° 174 (repr.) - Collection Jaudé, Paris - Mme Gustav Radeke - Providence, Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design (Don Mme Gustav Radeke).
Providence, Rhode Island School of Design, 1946, Master Drawing from the Museum and a Private Collection - Saint Louis, Philadelphie, Minneapolis, 1867, Drawings by Degas, n° 129, repr. p. 197 - Providence, Rhode Island School of Design, 2005-2006, Edgar Degas, Six Friends at Dieppe, cat. 62, fig. 54, repr. p. 74 - Providence, Rhode Island School of Design, 2008, From Dürer to Van Gogh - Providence, Rhode Island School of Design, 2016-2017, Inventing Impressionism.
Lemoisne, 1946-1949, Chicago, n° 901, repr. p. 527 - The Art Institute, 1984, Degas in the Art Institute if Chicago, fig. 25-1, repr. p. 62 - Boggs, Cat. exp. Saint Louis, Philadelphie, Minneapolis, 1967, Drawings by Degas, n° 129, repr. p. 197 - Kendall, 2011, n° 42, repr. p. 117