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Edgar Degas

The first digital catalogue raisonné

by Michel Schulman, expert

La collection Courtauld. Le pari de l'impressionnisme at the Fondation Louis Vuitton - Paris - till June 17th, 2019.

The Courtauld Collection in London : one of the world impressionist collections with the Chtchoukine's in Moscow and the Barnes' in Philadelphia. An art but also a personal challenge for Samuel Courtauld.

We owe to Samuel and Elisabeth Courtauld this fabulous collection of impressionist painters. It took them 13 years to gather all these masterpieces: Manet, Seurat, Cézanne and Degas amongst others. After his wife's death in 1936, Samuel Courtauld decided to create the Courtauld Institute open to teaching and to the public. The renovation of the Courtauld Gallery in London allows this exhibition in Paris then in Tokyo. Three works by Degas have been chosen to represent the Degas: After the Bath, Two Dancers on the Stage, Woman at her Window.

We've meet Karen Serres, curator of the exhibition and of the Department of Paintings at the Courtauld Gallery.

Publication : 24-03-2019